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Resources to Help Kids Thrive

This newsletter contains a weekly update of content from featuring parenting advice, in-depth articles, and the latest thinking on children’s mental health and learning disorders.

Types of Anxiety in Kids

May 21, 2024

Most anxiety disorders start in childhood or adolescence. And the best time to treat anxiety is before anxious kids become anxious adults, much more set in their ways. But it can be hard to know when ordinary, age-appropriate worries have become a serious problem because there are so many different forms of anxiety.

This week at we explore the most common types of anxiety, and what they look like in kids. They range from specific phobias — fears focused on particular things like dogs or spiders, blood or bridges — to generalized anxiety disorder, which triggers worry about more or less everything. Other anxiety disorders focus on being separated from parents or caregivers (separation anxiety), embarrassment (social anxiety), sickness (illness anxiety disorder), or being trapped in a situation where there’s no escape (agoraphobia). In all these cases, a child’s behavior might range from avoidance to tantrums and outbursts. But kids with all types of anxiety respond well to treatment that can liberate them from extreme fears.

– Caroline Miller, Editorial Director | 

Related Resources

What Is a Specific Phobia?

When extreme fear of something specific gets in the way of daily life.


Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Children

Kids with GAD are troubled by near-constant worry that things are not okay.


Agoraphobia in Children

When kids avoid certain locations because of a fear of something bad happening.


What Is Separation Anxiety?

These children worry about something happening to parents when they're apart.


Kids Who Worry They're Sick When They're Not

Illness anxiety disorder and somatic symptom disorder in children.


What Is Social Anxiety?

When fear of embarrassing themselves gets in the way of functioning.


What Is the Best Treatment for Anxiety in Children?

The most effective therapy and medication for anxiety.


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